Caribbean Drive Parking and Trail Access Enhancements

Status: Complete

Construction Cost: $1M

What it accomplished:

This projects goal was to accommodate the needs of the Sunnyvale Cleanwater Program by relocating the current trail access and parking along Carl Road to Caribbean Drive.

Project/Construction information:

The Caribbean Drive Parking and Trail Access Enhancements Project enhanced parking and maintained access to the San Francisco Bay Trail (Bay Trail) by creating a new public access point and parking along Caribbean Drive in place of one westbound travel lane. This access point increased available parking for Bay Trail users as well as improving bicycle and pedestrian access along Caribbean Drive.

Cyclist riding down a trail

Project Benefits

  • Increased the amount of parking spaces in the area on Caribbean Drive to replace parking currently located on Carl Road (including ADA accessible spaces).

  • Improved bicycle and pedestrian access along Caribbean Drive.

  • Created attractive streetscapes to enhance the surrounding area for bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists, including grant-funded bioretention planters filled with native species to clean and treat stormwater.

  • Made additional space surrounding the Plant available for renovation work, so the Plant can continue providing reliable wastewater treatment services for decades to come.

Additional Bay Trail Parking Available for Trail Users

Good news!! The City of Sunnyvale has identified an additional parking area for Bay Trail users. This parking area is located at the office complex at 701 1st Ave., which is at the northwest end of Caribbean Dr. The best way to access it is to make the first right onto 1st Ave. from Caribbean Dr. Please make sure to alert the guard at the station of your intent to use Bay Trail and park in spaces designated as “VISITOR.”

Download the parking map as a PDF

Additional Bay Trail Parking map
Project Area Overview

Project Area Overview

Sunnyvale City Council Approves Carl Road Closure

On May 8, 2018, the Sunnyvale City Council hosted a public meeting on the options and best alternative for parking at Caribbean Drive. At the meeting, the City Council voted to approve the preferred design alternative for the Caribbean Drive Parking and Trail Enhancements Project (see cross-section below). The preferred alternative provides an off-street, multi-use pathway for both bicyclists and pedestrians. A wide buffer zone of eight feet separating the parking area from the travel lane for vehicles will allow for better parking maneuverability as well as a wider door-zone area, which will improve safety.

On November 13, 2018 the Sunnyvale City Council approved the plans to close Carl Road west of Borregas Avenue and remove the Bay Trail trailhead and public parking currently at that location. Closure of this portion of the road is needed to safely move forward with the next phase of the Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant. This phase of work involves construction activities in Carl Road for several years. However, this portion of Carl Road will remain open to the public until the additional parking along Caribbean Drive is available.


Design for the project was completed in fall 2019 and Redgwick Construction Co. was awarded a contract for the work. Construction is expected to be completed in summer 2020. Once construction is complete, the new parking and access will be opened, and Carl Road will be closed for public access.

Cross-section of the Caribbean Drive Parking and Trail Access Enhancement, looking west

Cross-section of the Caribbean Drive Parking and Trail Access Enhancement, looking west

For more information

If you have additional questions or wish to be added to the list for future project notifications, please contact us.

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