Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we need this Program?
The Wastewater Pollution Control Plant (Plant) has provided reliable 24/7 wastewater treatment since its construction in 1956. However, the plant’s existing facilities are reaching the end of their useful life and upgrades are necessary to reliably meet environmental and regulatory requirements. The Sunnyvale Cleanwater Program (Program) addresses several challenges the Plant faces today through upgrades and replacements of some key facilities. The renovated Plant will be more operationally resilient, promote resource recovery, and continue to meet regulatory standards. Visit the Plant website to learn more about the history and importance of our treatment plant.
What types of projects will be part of the Program?
The Program will involve the rehabilitation of existing facilities and the construction of new facilities throughout the Plant’s major process areas, including secondary treatment, tertiary treatment, solids processing, energy processes, and support facilities (new administration and maintenance buildings, support utility rehabilitation, and improvements to parking and site access). Some existing facilities will be decommissioned and demolished. You can learn more about the status of our project currently underway on our Projects page.
What are the environmental benefits of the Program?
The Program is one of several big projects the City’s Environmental Services Department is undertaking to protect the environment and reach the City’s climate goals. The Program implements a cost-effective wastewater management program that is environmentally sound and protects the quality of the Bay, while also conserving both water and energy. It reuses many byproducts of the treatment process. These include producing electricity and mechanical power from waste gases, recovering heat from engines, producing an alternative to soil for daily landfill cover or a soil amendment for agriculture, and supplementing the City’s water supply by producing recycled water distributed through a separate system for non-potable uses.
How long will the Program be under construction?
The Program broke ground on Package 1 of the Headworks and Primary Treatment Project in 2016. A dozen capital projects that make up the first three phases will be continuously under construction until 2027.
Where can I go to find more information about contracting opportunities?
Contact us to be added to our email list and be informed about potential bid opportunities.
How can I stay up to date on the progress of the Program?
We regularly post updates and information to the program updates page. This includes information on presentations to City Council and other opportunities to learn more about the Program in person.
Contact Us if you have any more questions.