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General Overview
The Program will rehabilitate some of the existing facilities and construct new facilities throughout the Plant’s major process areas, including secondary treatment, tertiary treatment, solids processing, energy processes, and support facilities including new administration and maintenance buildings and improvements to parking and site access. Some existing facilities may also be decommissioned and demolished.
Project Highlight
Headworks and Primary Treatment Package: In fall 2017, the Program’s first construction milestone was achieved when the first package of the Headworks and Primary Treatment Project was completed. It provided the site preparation for the new headworks and primary treatment facility, the first treatment steps for wastewater entering the Plant. The second package of the project, involving the construction of the facility is currently underway. Below is a time-lapse of the construction of the Screening Facility, the first step of primary treatment. This project will also include a perimeter wall that will ultimately surround and protect the Plant from flooding events.