Program Environmental Impact Report
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The City of Sunnyvale certified a Program Environmental Impact Report (Program EIR) that analyzed the potential environmental impacts from the Master Plan’s proposed improvements, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Program EIR will also evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the Santa Clara Valley Water District acquiring purified water from the Plant and using it to supplement future water supplies.
The purpose of a Program EIR is to provide public agencies and the public with detailed information about the effects and cumulative impacts which a series of proposed activities are likely to have on the environment. Beyond identifying environmental impacts, a Program EIR also identifies ways to mitigate those impacts. The Program EIR process provides for technical study of a variety of environmental issues, as well as public input and participation.
What is a Program EIR? A Program EIR comprehensively assesses the potential environmental impacts for a set of actions that are related either geographically or as part of a series of activities and can be categorized as one larger project.
Headworks and Primary Treatment Facility MND (Draft Sunnyvale MND)
Headworks and Primary Treatment Facility MND (Sunnyvale Addendum to IS MND)
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Secondary Treatment & Dewatering Addendum 1
Secondary Treatment & Dewatering Addendum 2
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Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Draft Environmental Impact Report (36MB)
Final Environmental Impact Report