Cleanwater Center
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Cleanwater Center (Laboratory/Administration/Maintenance Building, Recycle Yard, and Carl Road Improvements)
Status: In Design
Expected Bid Date: Spring 2026
Estimated Construction Cost: $32-53M
Project Goal: The new Cleanwater Center, to be located on the north side of Carl Road at the entrance to the City’s Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP or Plant) will replace the functionality of the existing Maintenance Building, Administration Building, Laboratory/Control Building, and Compliance Inspection Building.
Additional employee/visitor parking, site lighting, and road improvements at the Plant’s main entrance are also included in this project. A new fence and electronic gate at the entrance will also provide improved security.
Project/Construction information: The major project elements for the Cleanwater Center include the design and construction of a two-story building to house multiple functions, including administration office functions; laboratory, operations, and staff support; maintenance and instrumentation shops; electrical room, maintenance office, warehouse and storage areas; and meeting rooms for public outreach. The project also includes design and construction of civil and sitework improvements, including completion of the new perimeter wall, landscaping, paving and striping, staff and visitor parking, and lighting in the parking area and along Carl Road. The Cleanwater Center will be designed to meet U.S. Green Building Council LEED Gold rating requirements.
Demolition of the existing Administration Building and construction of an additional temporary office trailer for plant staff will also be included in this project scope.
The Recycle Yard is located on the south side of Carl Road and adjacent to Recycle Hill, one of the City’s closed landfills. The major elements for the Recycle Yard and Carl Road Improvements include:
Recycle Yard Improvements – A new paved employee and visitor parking lot will be added with an ADA accessible route to the WPCP and Cleanwater Center. Residual municipal waste materials are present beneath the Recycle Yard (placed during landfilling operations at Recycle Hill). Because of the presence of the residual waste materials, paving of Recycle Yard must comply with the requirements to be defined by the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board), who share regulatory oversight responsibility for Recycle Hill.
Carl Road Improvements – The improvements to Carl Road will include installation of security fencing and an electronic security gate at the entrance to the WPCP facility. Additionally, lighting will be installed at the Recycle Yard and along Carl Road.