Existing Plant Rehabilitation
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Existing Plant Rehabilitation (Main Package)
Status: Awarded
Schedule: Substantial Completion expected at the end of 2026
Estimated Construction Cost: $30-50M
Project Goal: The City of Sunnyvale has made several assessments of the Plant and has determined that due to the age of the facilities many of them need to be rehabilitated or replaced to maintain permit compliance and Plant reliability. This project will keep Plant facilities functional until they are no longer needed.
Project/Construction information: Improvements associated with the Existing Plant Rehabilitation Project include replacing equipment (such as pumps, valves, and motors), restoring deteriorated concrete and modernizing the automation system at the western half of the WPCP.
The 100% design drawings are provided below for information only. While the future western portion of the Perimeter Wall is shown on the drawings, the Perimeter Wall is covered under the Wall Package, which is expected to be bidding in Spring 2023.
Download Only: Existing Plant Rehabilitation (Main Package) 100% Design Drawings, September 2021 (PDF, [296 MB])
Existing Plant Rehabilitation (Wall Package)
Status: In Design
Expected Bid Date: Autumn 2026
Estimated Construction Cost: $10-15M
Project Goal: This project will complete the flood protection system that is needed to keep the Plant dry during 99% of coastal floods.
Project/Construction information: This project will construct the new western portion of the Plant perimeter wall and security fencing. It also includes utility relocations and an engineered foundation for seepage protection.
Existing Plant Rehabilitation (Pipeline Package)
Status: In Design
Expected Bid Date: Spring 2026
Estimated Construction Cost: $5-10M
Project Goal: The pipelines that convey wastewater and sludge to and from the oxidation ponds cross channels which are directly connected to the San Francisco Bay and contain salt marsh habitat. Keeping these pipelines in good condition prevents accidental discharge of partially-treated wastewater.
Project/Construction information: When the pond effluent pipeline failed in 2020, it was replaced with a floating pipeline that is not permitted for permanent use. This project will provide a long-term replacement pipeline, as well as rehabilitating the primary effluent pipeline and portions of the pond sludge return system.