Secondary Treatment & Dewatering (Site Preparation Package and Main Package)
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Secondary Treatment and Dewatering Project (Site Preparation Package)
Status: Awarded
Schedule: Site Prep and Utility Relocation Package Substantial Completion expected Summer 2025
Bids: Refer to Bid Documents in DemandStar [SCWP - Site Preparation Project – DemandStar]
Estimated Construction Cost: Refer to Bid Documents in DemandStar [SCWP - Site Preparation Project – DemandStar]
Project Goal: The WPCP will host multiple large, concurrent construction projects in the 2020s. Consolidating personnel and utility relocation into a single package will provide subsequent contractors with known site conditions, non-overlapping project limits, and a quick start on major facility construction.
Project/Construction information: The Site Preparation Package Project will relocate utilities near the front entrance of the Plant and construct a temporary maintenance building and office trailers. Site Preparation construction will be completed prior to construction of the Secondary Treatment and Dewatering Project, Main Package because there are existing facilities and utilities that need to be moved to enable the construction of a new Thickening and Dewatering Building included in the Main Package. Additionally, the Site Preparation Project will include grading, paving and routing of necessary utilities for temporary offices and construction trailers for future work.
This project also includes the following components:
the relocation of several utilities adjacent to a portion of the new Perimeter Wall along the southern boundary of the Plant
demolition of the existing Primary Control Building, Maintenance Facility and Primary Sedimentation Basins.
the relocation of the water compliance staff trailer
The City has posted the Bid Documents on DemandStar [SCWP - Site Preparation Project – DemandStar].
Project Overview Video
Secondary Treatment and Dewatering Project (Main Package)
Status: Awarded
Schedule: Completion expected Winter 2028
Construction Cost: $278M
Project Goal: The purpose of the Secondary Treatment and Dewatering Project is to improve various components of the treatment process to meet anticipated future regulatory requirements.
Project/Construction information: This project will build conventional activated sludge facilities, which will be the main method to provide secondary treatment. The existing ponds, air flotation tanks, and fixed growth reactors will remain in service to augment the new facilities during periods of high flow.
Once new facilities are constructed, a thickening and dewatering facility will be needed to handle the additional biosolids generated. Solids-handling equipment will be housed in a new building and the ventilated air will be treated by an odor control system.
The City has awarded the design contract for the Secondary Treatment and Dewatering Project and detailed design is under way. The design consultant has finished the 90% design submittal, which is a key milestone for completing the design.
90% 3D PDF - Primary Effluent Distribution Structure (511 KB)
90% 3D PDF - Bioreactors (21,381 KB)
90% 3D PDF - Blower Building (4,112 KB)
90% 3D PDF - Secondary Clarifiers and ML Splitter Structure (4,021 KB)
90% 3D PDF - RAS WAS Pump Station (12,832 KB)
90% 3D PDF - Thickening and Dewatering Building (18,983 KB)
90% 3D PDF - Supernantant Pump Station (337 KB)
90% 3D PDF - Thickened Sludge Blend Tank (775 KB)
90% 3D PDF - Digested Sludge Storage Tank (889 KB)
90% 3D PDF - Sidestream Treatment (8,408 KB)
90% 3D PDF - Standby Generator and Fuel Storage (243 KB)
Secondary Treatment and Dewatering (Main Package) 90% Design Drawings Vol 7 of 7, May 2021 (48.6 MB)
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