The latest program news and events

CWP resilience efforts featured in December’s Sustainable Sunnyvale
Check out the Sunnyvale Cleanwater Program’s feature in December’s Sustainable Sunnyvale Newsletter for its efforts to improve resilience at the City’s Water Pollution Control Plant.

Purple Pipes Featured in Sustainable Sunnyvale Newsletter
Sunnyvale’s Water Pollution Control Plant (Plant) was featured in August’s Sustainable Sunnyvale Newsletter for its ongoing protection of residents and environment by improving the quality of water discharged into the San Francisco Bay through recycled water production.

Sunnyvale Cleanwater Featured in the Sustainable Sunnyvale Newsletter
Check out the Sunnyvale Cleanwater Program’s feature in June’s Sustainable Sunnyvale Newsletter for its ongoing protection of the San Francisco Bay!

New construction photos of the Headworks and Primary Treatment Facility Package 2
Construction work on the new headworks and the primary treatment facilities is well underway and we want to share some photos of progress.

Construction Time-Lapse of the Screening and Wastewater Influent Pumping Facilities
The City of Sunnyvale has embarked on the first major project of the Cleanwater Program

Sunnyvale City Council Approves Carl Road Closure
On November 13, 2018 the Sunnyvale City Council approved the plans to close Carl Road west of Borregas Avenue and remove the Bay Trail trailhead and public parking currently at that location.

EPA WIFIA Announcement
The Sunnyvale Cleanwater Program has just received notification they are shortlisted for a low-interest loan from the EPA’s Water Infrastructure and Financing Innovation Act (WIFIA). To learn more about the financing opportunity read the latest press release form the EPA.
Contract Opportunity
The Cleanwater Program at the Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) is currently underway with several concurrent projects at and adjacent to the WPCP.

Horizons: Doubling Down at the Plant
Bryan Berdeen, Plant Operations Manager at the Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant (Plant), knows a lot about rebuilding a plane while flying it.
Circulation of the Secondary Treatment and Dewatering Project CEQA Addendum
As part of compliance with our Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan, the State Water Resources Control Board is requiring the City of Sunnyvale to circulate the Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Addendum for the Secondary Treatment and Dewatering Facilities through the State Clearinghouse for public review.
BPAC Meeting on April 19, 2018
The project team will be presenting updated design alternatives for the project as part of the upcoming regular meeting of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) on April 19, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.
Circulation of the Primary Treatment Facility Project CEQA Addendum
As part of compliance with our Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan, the State Water Resources Control Board is requiring the City of Sunnyvale to circulate the Primary Treatment Facility Project Addendum to the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) through the State Clearinghouse for public review.
Notice of Intent to Vacate Carl Road to City Council late January 2018
Once construction is complete in fall 2018 for the Caribbean Drive Parking and Trail Access Enhancements Project, the existing public access and parking along Carl Road will be vacated and closed to all public access.

Construction is underway for Package 2 for Headworks and Primary Treatment Facility
Work is underway for the Headworks and Primary Treatment Facility at the Water Pollution Control Plant (Plant).

Project 1.1.1 – Headworks and Primary Treatment Facility Package 1
Package 1 construction for the Headworks and Primary Treatment Facility has reached substantial completion!
NOTICE: Public Meeting on Caribbean Drive Parking and Trail Access Enhancements Project
You are invited to attend a community update meeting on Tuesday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m., during which interested agencies and the public can learn more about the Caribbean Drive Parking and Trail Access Enhancements Project.

Package 2 for Headworks and Primary Treatment Facility Receives NTP
Package 2 for the Headworks and Primary Treatment Facility is moving forward into construction!
State Revolving Fund Agreement Executed
The City has recently executed an agreement with the California State Water Resources Control Board to receive $127,068,522 in funding from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF).
Recommended Pre-Proposal Conference
A pre-proposal conference will be held at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 in the City Council Chambers, 456 West Olive Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086.
PEIR Certification and Master Plan Adoption
The Sunnyvale Cleanwater Program has achieved two major program milestones this summer.